Dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs are called osteochondrosis. This problem can occur in people of any age; Dysfunction of the intervertebral discs leads to the development of many serious accompanying problems. How to prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis? What medications and alternative therapies are used during treatment?
Cervical Osteochondrosis - What is ItThe cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae and 8 paired nerve nodes. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops against the background of degeneration into the glass tissue of the intervertebral pulp. In this case, the abnormal changes affect the nerve endings and important vessels. Most often, the pathology affects the 7th and 8th vertebrae.
The disease is carefully disguised as other pathologies, manifested by headache attacks and discomfort in the neck. Patients may complain of dizziness, nausea, and pressure problems. Most often, the disease interferes with cardiovascular problems.
Important! Often, against the background of problems in the spine, a person begins to suddenly lose consciousness, feels short of breath and may lose his tongue.

Cervical osteochondrosis is most often diagnosed in humans after the age of 30, due to the peculiarities of the location of the human skeleton, with constant statistical and dynamic loading. The disease is growing rapidly, recently osteochondrosis is found even in adults.
Causes of the disease
Physiological and pathological processes influence the development of osteochondrosis. They are closely related to each other, in medical practice they are always considered together.
Physiological changes are caused by age-related irreversible processes in the spinal cartilage. They are localized in the central part of the intervertebral disc, manifested by fibrous tissue pulsation. Discomfort occurs when the nerve endings are irritated.
Abnormal changes - In this case, the area of inflammation extends beyond the cartilage tissue, causing severe irritation of the nerve endings, stretching of blood vessels. They arise on the background of poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, occur in adults and middle-aged people.Important! In rare cases, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine may disappear on its own, or manifest as short-term episodes. The human body has many compensatory and protective functions that can neutralize abnormal cartilage changes over a period of time.
Provocative factors:

- sedentary work, lack of regular physical activity;
- Frequent forced presence in an uncomfortable position;
- Excess weight;
- nervous overload, stressful conditions;
- Neck and neck injuries;
- Hypothermia.
Osteochondrosis can be caused by congenital anomalies, autoimmune diseases.
Key Features
Cervical osteochondrosis is not always manifested by pain in a specific part of the spine, often the disease has a vague clinical picture.
The main symptoms are dizziness, migraine, sudden changes in blood pressure.
When urgent hospitalization is required:
- numbness, loss of mobility of the muscles of the face or shoulder girdle;
- increase in headache, accompanied by deterioration in general well-being;
- lack of coordination;
- Loss of consciousness.
Cervical spine pain often radiates to the shoulder girdle and upper extremities. A distinctive feature is that the pain syndrome is paroxysmal, most often after waking up, sudden movements, laughter, coughing, and wheezing.

If osteochondrosis is at an early stage, the pain decreases rapidly, almost always accompanied by neck area, muscles weaken, skin loses sensitivity.
Important! In the case of pathological changes in the 6th spine, pain syndrome may be observed on the thumb, in the case of an injury to the 7th spine, it affects the middle finger.
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis appear late in women - the average age is 50-55 years.
How is osteochondrosis related to other diseases
Cervical osteochondrosis and high blood pressure - the link between these pathologies has long been established. Osteochondrosis is characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure during the day, persistent hypertension is not congenital for this disease.
Increased pressure during osteochondrosis is accompanied by migraine, noise in the head, pain in the arms, legs, chest. At the same time, the sensitivity of the skin in the collar region is significantly reduced, stress can cause a pressure jump, prolonging it into an uncomfortable position.
Osteochondrosis and dizziness of the cervix - occurs against the background of severe pain syndrome, cerebral circulatory disorders and the transmission of nerve signals, problems with the vestibular apparatus.Osteochondrosis most often presents with unsystematic dizziness - no sensation of rotating objects, but the person is very sick, it is difficult to stay upright.
Important! Frequent attacks of dizziness require a visit not only to a neurologist, but also to an ear, nose and throat specialist to rule out abnormal changes in the nasopharynx.
Headache accompanies osteochondrosis in almost 90% of cases. It occurs against the background of vascular spasms, pinching of nerve endings, increased intracranial pressure. It manifests itself in different forms - pulsating, dull.
Headache attacks during osteochondrosis are similar to the sensations of high blood pressure, angina, heart attack, stroke.

Panic attacks occur in osteochondrosis against the background of circulatory disorders of the brain. At the same time, the person experiences unreasonable fear, physical discomfort. The duration of the attack is from 2-3 minutes to one hour, they can be repeated several times a day. Panic attacks are accompanied by a head of heaviness, incessant tears, apathy and lethality. With severe attacks, it is necessary to take tranquilizers, visit a psychiatrist regularly.
Fear and depression occur during osteochondrosis against the background of constant pain, against the background of forced change in the usual way of life.
Diagnostic methods
People with osteochondrosis may have pain in the head, chest, arms - such a vague picture of the disease greatly complicates the initial diagnosis.
Prevents timely diagnosis and uncontrolled intake of painkillers by people. The person feels healthy without pain. She seeks medical help late when irreversible processes develop in the tissues of the cervical joints.
Important! Only a neurologist can treat osteochondrosis.
An external examination is to determine neck mobility and pain. The doctor then determines the radiology with several prognoses and computed tomography. If a hernia is suspected, magnetic resonance imaging should be performed. Doppler ultrasound is performed to assess the condition of arteries and blood vessels.
Principles of drug treatment
Medication treatment aims to eliminate pain, inflammation, return to normal mobility and blood circulation.
Main groups of drugs:
- Analgesics in the form of tablets and injections are intended to eliminate the pain syndrome;
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
- Chondroprotectors help to restore cartilage tissue;
- Muscle relaxants relax the muscles, are used as adjuvants to relieve pain - they contain glycerin, benzimidazole, have a long list of contraindications;
- Vitamin complexes - should contain all B, D, E group vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid;
- Artificial analogues of histamine - help to eliminate problems with the vestibular apparatus;
- means external use in the form of gels, ointments - helps to improve blood circulation, relieves spasms and pain, warmth, pain.
Important! Dietary vitamins are not enough to treat osteochondrosis.
Medications that improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis are a mandatory component of therapy, they dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow. Nootropic drugs, which improve metabolic processes in the brain, restore memory and thinking.
Osteochondrosis surgery is rarely used. Surgery is necessary for paralysis of the upper extremities, blood supply to severe disorders and cerebral edema.
Additional treatment includes massage, push and push manual therapy, dosed traction, relaxation techniques and acupuncture.
How to treat osteochondrosis at home
Home treatment involves regular exercise, the use of special orthopedic devices. As an adjunct therapy, you can use traditional medicine recipes.
The collar of the shunts is designed to relieve spinal tension, reduce stress, and strengthen the neck muscles. The head and neck are fixed in the correct position, allowing you to get rid of insomnia, to prevent the progression of pathological changes. The collar should be worn not all day, but 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Self-massage can help relieve pain and cramps, and apply ointments to improve blood circulation. The procedure should be done while sitting, the posture is comfortable, relaxed. It is necessary to make a stroke, a circular bend, touching not only the neck but also the shoulder girdle.
Important! In case of cervical osteochondrosis, any kind of heating is forbidden, except for baths and saunas.
Therapeutic baths relieve pain and inflammation well, allowing them to relax the spine. Water procedures should be performed every other day, the course consists of 15-20 procedures.
Bath Recipes:
- Mix 150 g of chamomile and mint, boil 5 liters of boiling water with this mixture. Leave the infusion for 2 hours, filter.
- Take 20 grams each of mint, lemon balm and birch leaves. The collection is boiled in 6 liters of boiling water, filtered for 2 hours. To prepare the sage infusion you will need 300 g of herbs and 5 liters of boiling water. The healing solution will be ready in 2 hours.
When taken orally, you can prepare a tier infusion - this will help to quickly eliminate inflammation, spasms and pain. Boil 230 ml of boiling water in 6 g of herb, keep in a closed container for one hour. Take 15 ml 3 times a day.
A solution of 15 g of sea salt and 1 liter of water helps to fight osteochondrosis. Bring the mixture to a boil, cool completely. In the composition, wet the natural fabric, apply to the back of the neck.
Possible complications
With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, cervical osteochondrosis progresses without any particular complications. Otherwise, severe pathological changes develop, which can lead to disability.
Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous?

- Spinal Artery Syndrome - functional and organic changes caused by circulatory disorders in the brain;
- high blood pressure, arrhythmia;
- numbness, weakness, atrophy of the muscles of the upper extremities;
- protrusion, hernia;
- VSD;
- Neurological disorders.
Physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis
Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis can restore nutrition to damaged tissues, restore blood circulation.
It is forbidden to rotate your head sharply, to make sharp curves during gymnastic exercises. Only imitation of such movements is allowed. You can do a set of exercises in no more than 2 minutes - prolonged exercise can complicate osteochondrosis.
Shishonin has created an effective set of cervical osteochondrosis exercises. The principle is that all movements should be performed smoothly, each position should be fixed for 15-30 seconds. There should be no painful sensations during exercise, you should repeat each exercise 5 times.Description of Exercises:
- Sit up straight, tilt your head to the right. When muscle tension appears, fix the position. Make 5 slopes on each side.
- Bending your head back and forth is analogous to the previous exercise.
- Take the chin alternately on the left and right shoulder. The back is straight, it can not be rounded.
- Turn left and right, pausing for 30 seconds in each position.
- Continue the side turns, but use the extra arms. When turning right, the right hand should be on the left shoulder and vice versa.
- Close your hands, raise your hands above your head, turn the pages.
- Straighten your arms, take them to the sides and slightly back, close the chin forward.
Prophylactic measures
Prevention of osteochondrosis consists of simple steps, if done regularly, serious health problems can be avoided. Especially prevention is necessary for the elderly and those who spend a lot of time sitting.
How to prevent osteochondrosis:

- Take a hot shower every day for at least 10 minutes;
- Regularly visit the bath, sauna to eliminate neck spasms and tightness;
- Sleep on an orthopedic pillow and a special mattress;
- Do a small five-minute warm-up every hour in a sitting position.
The best sports for the prevention of osteochondrosis are swimming, yoga, aerobic exercise, special gymnastics to strengthen the cervical muscles.
People at risk are prohibited from jogging, jumping or bodybuilding. The critical weight is 10 kg, the weight should be carried by both hands. Alternatively, you can use a corset that protects the spine.
Sergei Bubnovsky describes well the preventive measures of osteochondrosis. In her book you can find out which back pain is dangerous, how to restore health without injections and corsets and find a set of special exercises.
Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that can affect anyone. Timely diagnosis and prevention, a healthy and active lifestyle will help to develop serious pathological changes in the spine, will give you health and excellent mood.